Breaking Bread Infinity

Breaking Bread Community

We are a community! We are a solution based media company where we find solutions in our community through unity.

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Who are we?

Hey family! On this episode, we are talking about resources in the community. Where are the resources in the community? Who is receiving them and who isn't receiving them? Check us out. Like, comment, share, subscribe!

Moni Love

I have spent the last 20 years serving the community through Juvenile Court and numerous non-profits. I believe in supporting the growth of families and advocating for justice. I have the ambition to be an Alchemist for a better society.

Central G

Passionate, motivate, and determine person to see our community thrive. Born and raised in New Orleans, LA. Graduated from Louisiana Tech University in 2022. I couldn’t find answers from others, so I started my journey to create the blueprint to a thriving and sustainable community.

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“You Rise by Lifting Others.”

— Robert Ingersoll